From “perfect skin” to “hidden skin” then back again..
“I never had skin issues.. I never even truly experienced puberty acne. I never wore or owned foundation when I wore make-up and at the time, I didn’t realize it... but my skin always naturally glowed with little to no maintenance at all..”

“For my whole life I was never fully aware of my blessing; my skin was smooth, scarless and silky. I didn’t have skin issues.. not even truly experiencing puberty acne. So coming into my teenage years I wasn't interested in wearing or owning foundation, my skin naturally glowed with little to no maintenance. In the picture to the right, believe it or not, I’m wearing just eyeliner and mascara. At 23 years old, I was just learning how to fill in brows; oh and lip gloss was always a must! Lol. These photos were taken in May 2014 and what I didn’t know was 4 months later, my face would become progressively unrecognizable to me.”

I became ill in July of 2014 and was given steroids to assist with the health condition I was diagnosed with. Though I was raised in a household that never used over the counter drugs, using only utilized natural remedies for the body, I followed doctor's orders. As a result of taking the medication prescribed the harsh effects impacted my body negatively. Within a month I started to develop cystic acne for the very first time and scaring on my face. At first it was mild but as the weeks and months progressed it became more frequent, which was painfully and emotionally depressing. The need to go to a make-up store and find a foundation that matches my skin complexion was never there until I had become desperate to hide the scars and constant breakouts on my face. I spent thousands of dollars on various products, both make-up and skincare, in hopes of freeing myself of what felt like physical and emotional slavery. I never cared about my skin or even noticed it before this experience; outside of my complexion (but that’s a different story). I tried expensive brands, acne kits and even extraction processes. By August 2015, it had now been a year since my skin changed for the worst and it felt like forever. Nothing was working and at this point even make-up wasn’t hiding the painfully raised cysts all over my face. In the photo to the far left, the skin on my face was in physical pain and irritated. I also had blackheads and whiteheads coupled with stress and hormonal acne. It was truly a nightmare. My confidence lowered significantly and without realizing it, I was tackling depression daily. My friends noticed as well as my family so naturally they became concerned. In September of 2015, I took time off from school and was living with my sisters in our family home. I began to do very granular research on cystic acne as well as skin health as a whole. My little sister also suffered from severe cystic acne which had developed after being put on antibiotics due to an minor surgical procedure. If I could come across some information to better my situation then maybe it could benefit us both.

I began to discover that natural products like tea tree, manuka honey and lavender had anti-inflammatory properties that could naturally heal my skin. Then with studying the skin as a whole, I learned what it required to remain healthy. I learned that cystic acne is one of the hardest forms of acne to tackle. This is because your sebaceous gland becomes inflamed and continues to infect the surrounding sebaceous glands, which eventually creates this “never ending” breakout cycle. Even if you have tackled the cystic acne breakout that has already surfaced, more than likely 2 or 3 surrounding sebaceous glands have become infected deep below the skin’s surface that will eventually come to the top in the next few days. That means the goal is to heal the inflammation from the inside out to, completely prevent the surfacing of the infection. As a result, I began to research natural products and ingredients that could get to the root of the sebaceous gland and heal inflammation while also preventing scarring and eventually balancing the skin overall. So I got in the kitchen, mixing different concoctions together, trying to establish a healthy blend of ingredients to bring my skin back to life. By October of 2015, I was able to successfully handcraft a cleanser that reversed all my acne and also halted my sister’s as well. This was HUGE for me because I had been desperately looking for something to actually work for my skin to no avail. Once I saw the results I kept going, why not create a complete skincare set to become 100% natural within my regimen. A few months later, I created a toner as well as a hydrator and spot treatment that worked miracles; it began to rid my skin of all scarring which I was so surprised by. At this point, I noticed an emotional change and my esteem was slowly being rebuilt again.

Once the cleanser(Pure Diamond), toner(Miracle Water), spot treatment(Eliminate) and moisturizer((My)drate) healed my acne, as well as my confidence, I made the switch to only using these natural and organic products in my skincare regimen; having no reason to purchase from another company again. Seeing my improvement, my sister started to incorporate the products I created into her daily skincare regimen and her skin began to completely revert to what it used to be prior to having cystic acne. It was honestly crazy to watch the results so consequently I decided to continue working with these skincare products, researching and learning everything there was to know about skin. If this could help me and my family, maybe more people could be impacted by it. By the end of 2015, I had successfully handcrafted 21 products with “pure + potent + pronounceable ingredients—no exceptions.”

The mission and purpose for this line is simple. Build a platform that allows people to regain confidence, living comfortably in their own skin. Your skin is the largest organ of the body and requires special attention. Most of us deal with stress, impurities and UV rays exposure that affect our skin negatively everyday. To be able to achieve comfortability in your own skin is one of the most important attributes a person can possess. I want to highlight that by keeping it simple and bringing it back to the basics. Each product is handmade with 100% natural and organic ingredients as a result. This ranges from the teenager that thinks they’re unattractive because they suffer from acne to the person who struggles with dry scarred skin on their body and dreads the summertime when less clothing is required; we have beautiful skin and we should feel empowered in it. This is for all skin types. This is for you.
You are not alone. I have been through the tears, frustration and physical pain. This company was created for the purpose of healing others, physically, mentally and spiritually.